Selling/Buying Crops with other Producers

Cutting out the middlemen is a proven way to improve profitability and is fairly easy to do when it comes to farm to farm sales of crops such as high moisture corn and corn silage.  If you are considering selling or buying any type of crop, there are a few things to keep in mind […]


Oconto County Public Health and UW-Madison Division of Extension  are launching BINGOCIZE, an evidence-based exercise + bingo program to our area. The program aims to address health behaviors, increase socialization, decrease falls/improve mobility, and improve cognitive function. 1 in 5 adults have a mental health condition; physical movement is proven to increase emotional and mental […]

Badger Crop Connect Programs

The UW–Madison Division of Extension’s Ag Institute will be hosting the fifth annual Badger Crop Connect webinar series for the 2024 growing season. The purpose of this series is to provide agronomists, crop consultants, and farmers with timely crop updates for Wisconsin. These free webinars will be offered on the second and fourth Wednesdays of […]

Stop Scammers with Credit Check

By law, everybody can obtain free credit reports each week at It is important to check your report regularly to make sure it is accurate and up to date. Scammers often desire to open credit in your name. By regularly monitoring your credit report, you can prevent scammers from using your credit profile to their […]

Falls Free Wisconsin

Aging adults commonly fear falling. Limit risk of injury through exercise and home safety strategies. Are you able to find all the hazards from Falls Free Wisconsin Safety Challenge??

Supporting Employed Caregivers

Sixty one percent of family caregivers work. Businesses are being affected by the caregiving responsibilities of their employees, so it is crucial to support them as they fulfill this role. Ways to support employed caregivers include having overall positive working relationships, work from home capabilities, and resources from Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs). If you are […]

Benefits of Caregiving

Providing care to others is an experience that has positive benefits. Focusing on positive aspects and experiences, may offer hope and reduce stress in times of anxiety or burnout.  Debbie Howard says, “it’s a chance for personal transformation…” View the full video here. 

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