By law, everybody can obtain free credit reports each week at It is important to check your report regularly to make sure it is accurate and up to date. Scammers often desire to open credit in your name. By regularly monitoring your credit report, you can prevent scammers from using your credit profile to their benefit. If you find any errors on your report, you can have those errors removed by contacting the credit reporting agency (TransUnion, Experian, or Equifax).
In late 2023, the 3 credit reporting agencies made free weekly credit checks available to all. “We are really fortunate to have the opportunity to access our free credit reports weekly. Previously, this could only be done once per year through each credit report agency” says Katie Daul, Human Development and Relationships Educator. “Checking your report is a great way to protect yourself by quickly spotting any evidence of fraud or identity theft.”
The “Check Your Free Credit Report: 2/2, 6/6, 10/10” campaign from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension wants to make it easier to remember to order your free credit reports. You can sign up to receive calendar reminders by visiting this site and clicking on 2/2, 6/6, and 10/10:
For more information on credit reports, contact Oconto County Extension office at 920-834-6845 or visit: