What can we help you with?

Crop Programs & Insurance Decision-Making Workshops Taking Place

Farms are in the middle of very important decision-making processes regarding their crop acres for the 2025 growing season.  Two key risk management programs which farms may utilize are Crop Insurance and the Farm Service Agency’s Agriculture Risk Coverage(ARC) or Price Loss Coverage(PLC).  Both of these critical programs have upcoming decision deadlines; March 15 for […]

Strong Bodies March 17 – June 5, 2025, Gillett, WI

Exercise and movement for your care recipient and yourself has many health benefits – physically, emotionally, and mentally.  A progressive strength training program offered in Oconto County is Strong Bodies. Strong Bodies is a community-based strength training program aimed at mid-life and aging individuals. The benefits of strength training for older individuals have been studied […]

Strong Bodies March 3 – May 22, 2025, Suring, WI

Exercise and movement for your care recipient and yourself has many health benefits – physically, emotionally, and mentally.  A progressive strength training program offered in Oconto County is Strong Bodies. Strong Bodies is a community-based strength training program aimed at mid-life and aging individuals. The benefits of strength training for older individuals have been studied […]

Powerful Tools for Caregivers March 11-April 15

Powerful Tools for Caregivers classes help caregivers take better care of themselves while caring for a friend or relative. Whether you provide care for a spouse, partner, parent, friend, or a child with special needs; at home or in a care facility, whether down the block or miles away, yours is an important role. This […]

Pesticide Applicator Training Sessions Upcoming

Wisconsin farms that conduct their own pest management control practices need to be certified through the Pesticide Applicator Training (PAT) process to purchase or apply restricted-use-pesticides.  The process for ordering the PAT manual and registering for a training/test session has undergone significant changes.  Anyone wanting to re-certify or become certified must visit the PAT website […]

Beef Quality Assurance Certification Meetings Scheduled

Verona, Wisc. — 2024-25 is the 3-year mark for the majority of Wisconsin farmers certified in the Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program.  In 2018, certain packers announced they would only purchase cattle from farms selling finished cattle that are BQA Certified. The UW-Madison’s Division of Extension and the Wisconsin Beef Council will be hosting in-person Beef Quality Assurance […]

Changing our Mental & Emotional Trajectory (COMET)

Rural communities and farm families value supporting each other in times of need. COMET(TM) helps people take the next step after noticing someone might be struggling. It empowers friends and neighbors to be more prepared to support others’ mental health needs – especially before a crisis. This training doesn’t expect community members to “fix it” […]

Aging Mastery Program

Build your own personal playbook for aging well! This fun, innovative program empowers you to take key steps to improve your well-being, add stability to your life, and strengthen ties to your community. Meet new friends and provide encouragement to one another as you take the Aging Mastery journey together! Register here.

Stop Scammers with Credit Check

Stop Scammers with Credit Check Consumers can help stop scammers and strengthen their own financial future by checking their credit at annualcreditreport.com on 2/2, 6/6 and 10/10 each year Oconto County, WI—-                                    By law, everybody can obtain free credit reports each week at AnnualCreditReport.com. It is important to check your report regularly to make sure it […]

Planning AHEAD

Planning AHEAD is a 7-session course (one hour each) that guides participants through the topics in the flyer. This course features a workbook to help people with the tasks and decisions associated with end-of-life. Click here to register or call 920-834-6845 with questions.

Selling/Buying Crops with other Producers

Cutting out the middlemen is a proven way to improve profitability and is fairly easy to do when it comes to farm to farm sales of crops such as high moisture corn and corn silage.  If you are considering selling or buying any type of crop, there are a few things to keep in mind […]

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Oconto County Public Health and UW-Madison Division of Extension  are launching BINGOCIZE, an evidence-based exercise + bingo program to our area. The program aims to address health behaviors, increase socialization, decrease falls/improve mobility, and improve cognitive function. 1 in 5 adults have a mental health condition; physical movement is proven to increase emotional and mental […]

Our Programs



Helping urban and rural people use research and knowledge to solve problems and take advantage of new opportunities

Photo Courtesy of Aprille Jahnke

Photo Courtesy of Michael Rzepka

Community Development

Families & Finances

Promoting aging-friendly communities, coaching effective parents and helping families put technology, mindfulness and financial awareness to use


Teen Court

Benefiting youth by providing an alternative method for adjudicating first-time juvenile offenders and giving them a chance to take accountability for their actions

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