Home » Food Preservation
Food Preservation

If you need immediate assistance with food preservation, contact Barbara Ingham at 608-263-7083 or visit the state page dedicated to food preservation. Additionally, this document provides answers to many frequently asked questions.
Here are some Extension recommended resources about food preservation:
- Freezing Fruits and Vegetables
- Freezer Storage Chart
- How do I….Freeze Foods (National Center for Home Food Preservation, NCHFP)
- Canning Meat, Wild Game, Poultry and Fish Safely
- Canning Salsa Safely
- Canning Vegetables Safely
- Care and Use of a Pressure Canner
- How do I…. Can Foods
- Recommended Canners
- USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning
Pickling and Fermenting
- Homemade Pickles and Relishes
- Make your Own Sauerkraut
- Homemade Yogurt
- How do I….Pickle Foods
- Making Table Wine at Home
- Making Homemade Cheese
Making Jam & Jelly
Other Resources