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About 4-H

The mission of the Oconto County 4-H Program is to provide opportunities for personal growth and to encourage positive development of our youth, our families, our communities and our world.
City Kids and Country Kids
4-H is for all kinds of kids – whether you live in the country or the city, Oconto County’s 4-H Program has a project for you. 4-H projects are topics that each member chooses to learn more about during the year. Project leaders help youth develop in their chosen areas with meetings and project materials. 4-H Programs are open to youth between kindergarten and one year following high school graduation.
4-H is open to everyone regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, ancestry, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, marital or parental status. 4-H is a family affair where youth and adults get together to learn new things, meet new friends and have fun.
The 4-H Community Club
Each 4-H member belongs to a 4-H club in the community. Community clubs meet once per month. Through club membership, 4-H members learn how to cooperate with others, make decisions as a group and be effective leaders. Click here for enrolling in 4-H Clubs in Oconto County.
Once you choose a club, there are many ways for the family and member to get involved.
Club opportunities include:
- Monthly meetings with activities
- Seasonal activities
- Community Service
- Club Officer Positions (President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Reporter)
What Does It Cost?
4-H clubs may charge dues – this decision is made by members of the club. Project materials, such as fabric, wood, food, pet supplies, etc., are obtained by the members.
Pledge, Emblems and Symbols
4-H Pledge
Otis Hall, State Leader of Kansas, was responsible for the original wording of the 4-H pledge, officially adopted by the State 4-H Leaders at the first national 4-H camp in 1927. The pledge remained unchanged until 1973, when it was revised to include “and my world.”
I pledge…
My head to clearer thinking;
My heart to greater loyalty;
My hands to larger service; and
My health to better living,
for my club, my community, my country, and my world.
In repeating the pledge, members raise their right hand to their forehead when they say “my HEAD to clearer thinking”. They lower their right hand to their heart as they say “my HEART to greater loyalty”. At the line “my HANDS to larger service” they extend both hands palms upward, and at the last line, they stand with their hands at their sides.
4-H Emblem
In 1907 or 1908, the first emblem used nationally was designed by O. H. Benson as a three-leaf clover. It stood for head, heart and hands. In 1911, Benson suggested that the fourth H should be hustle, and the 4-H design was adopted.
Later O. B. Martin suggested that health replace hustle. The 4-H emblem has stood for head, heart, hands and health ever since. * Protected under 18 U.S.C. 707.
The national 4-H emblem is a green four leaf clover with a white letter “H” on each leaf. The four “H’s” stand for head, heart, hands and health.

The 4-H Colors – The 4-H colors are green and white
4-H Motto – “To Make the Best Better”
4-H Philosophy – “To Learn By Doing”
4-H Membership – 10 million members worldwide
The white background of the 4-H flag symbolizes purity; the green 4-H emblem is nature’s most common color in the great outdoors and is the color of springtime, life and youth.
Interested in Joining?

Click the green button to be begin your enrollment!
Are you looking for ways to help benefit Oconto County youth? If so, please click the button below.

Aimee Elkins | 4-H Program Coordinator
Extension Oconto County | Extension Marinette County
Phone: 920-834-6845
Email: aimee.elkins@wisc.edu