Member Recognition

4-H Members are recognized a the annual 4-H Achievement Banquet.

Participation Award
4-H members are recognized for their participation in a community club with year pins; Cloverbuds’ recognition is selected annually.  Youth are eligible after completing their first year of 4-H club membership.


Path to Success Certificate
Each youth who completes a Path to 4-H Success booklet will be recognized at the Annual Achievement Banquet in November.  The Path to Success booklet is geared toward helping members navigate through 4-H.  This is open to all members; first-year members especially are encouraged to participate.  Booklets are turned into club advisers, who in turn submit names to the UW-Extension Office.  Booklets are available for club advisers from the UW-Extrusion Office, or by clicking the link below.


Project Goal-setting Awards (includes Record Books)
An important part of 4-H is learning to set goals and then planning the steps to meet those goals.  4-H’ers (3rd grade and above) receive project pins in up to three projects each year.

To be considered for the project awards, youth may choose one or more of the following goal-setting options:

*No submission required – we’ll have your name!

Records are due to UW-Extension Office on the 2nd Monday in September.


Project Achievement Award
In Oconto County 4-H youth 6th grade and above are recognized for excellence in project work with Project Achievement Awards.  Youth are judged on their overall achievement in their project work during the past 4-H year including progress in their project, their goals for the year, educational events attended, and youth leadership in the project.

The categories are as follows:

  •  Animal Sciences
  •  Plants and Soil Sciences
  •  Arts
  •  Communication
  •  Family, Home and Health
  •  Mechanical Sciences
  •  Natural Resources and Environment
  •  Youth Leadership
  • Overall Achievement

Multiple awards can be given in each category (for example, youth may receive an award in both Dogs and Beef; however, youth may not receive two Dog awards, even in different years.)

Applying for Award
Youth apply for this award by submitting the Project Achievement Award Application  directly to the Extension Office by the second Monday in September.  Interviews are held on the 4th Saturday in September.  Individuals are eligible for two Project Achievement Awards per year.

Award application and sample completed applications

Selection for Award
Youth are judged against standards for the project award by a team of adult and youth who conduct an interview with all applicants on the 4th Saturday in September.   The interview team uses the Project Achievement Standards Rubric as a  guideline for determining award winners.    

Awards will be presented at the Achievement Banquet in November.  


Key Award
The prestigious Key Award is the highest honor a 4-H member can receive.  It recognizes the top one percent of all 4-H members in the nation.  This select group of 4-H participants has demonstrated consistent growth in their 4-H involvement, developed and applied their leadership skills and actively participated in the functions of their club and their community.

Key Award recipients are high school students with at least three years of experience in 4-H, with at least one of those years as a youth leader.  The Wisconsin Farm bureau and its affiliate, Rural Insurance Companies have sponsored the Key Award since 1974.


Youth submit a resume highlighting their 4-H experience, along with a cover letter. They will also participate in a face-to-face interview. Application materials are due by April 10th.

Resume Writing Packet


  • Camp Counselors
  • Trips
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